We are so excited to offer this comprehensive and fun energy-saving program for schools across New Orleans in partnership with Energy Smart and Entergy New Orleans. Elementary and middle school students will have the chance to experience a live educational event and receive supplemental enrichment on the topics of energy efficiency, energy use and adopting wise energy habits – as well as take-home individual kits to start saving energy and money in their own homes.
Second and fifth grade students will receive:
- A live performance of our hilarious show Energy Academy
- Printed bilingual student workbooks with educational activities that align with national and state education standards
- E-learning package for students and teachers
- Take-home energy-saving kit for each student
- An individual Home Energy Survey to complete with their family
Eighth grade students will receive:
- Printed bilingual student and parent handbook
- E-learning package for students and teachers
- Take-home energy-saving kit for each student
- An individual Home Energy Survey to complete with their family
Teachers, you get:
- A training webinar series that covers topics like using arts integration to teach energy concepts, teaching climate change mitigation topics and more
- Digital teacher toolkit
- Take-home kit for second, fifth and eighth grade teachers as well as a mini-grant of $50 when you collect and return your students’ Home Energy Surveys
**Live events are open to all K-6 students at your school – however, free energy-saving kits and teacher mini-grants will only be dispersed to 2nd, 5th and 8th grades.